Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Image Format headquarters

Author: Ken

Computer wallpaper pictures of each one can be beautiful expression of personal sentiment and style; when we design web pages, images are ultimately decorated. Then the usual image we have come across it in the end what? Common image file formats And what then?

1, BMP format

BMP is the English Bitmap (bitmap) in short, it is a standard Windows operating system image file format, can be supported by many Windows applications. With the Windows operating system popular with rich Windows application development, BMP bitmap format is widely used naturally. This format is characterized by rich image information contained almost no compression, but this led to all born with health defects - take up too much disk space. So, now more popular BMP in a single machine.

Second, GIF format

GIF is the English Graphics Interchange Format (Graphics Interchange Format) abbreviation. As the name suggests, this format is used to exchange pictures. It is true that the last century 80's, a leading U.S. online information service CompuServe network bandwidth for time constraints, to develop such a GIF image formats.

GIF format is characterized by high compression ratio, the disk space occupied by small, so this image format widely used promptly. The original GIF is simply used to store single frame still images (called GIF87a), then as technology development, and can also store a number of pieces of still image and then form a continuous animation, making it one of the few who supported 2D animation formats (known as GIF89a), while the image in GIF89a transparent area can be designated to display images with extraordinary results, this enables full GIF scenery. The current Internet, a large number of documents used in multi-color animation for this format, also known as GIF89a format.

In addition, taking into account the actual situation of the network transmission, GIF image format also means increased starting to prove, that is, the image transfer process, the user can first see the general outline of the image, and then continued with the gradual transfer process Some see the details of the image to adapt to the user "from the obscure to the clear" viewing psychology. The current Internet, a large number of documents used in multi-color animation for this format.

However, GIF has a small drawback, that can not store more than 256 color images. However, this format is still popular network applications, and GIF image files that short, download speed, available in many image files with the same size composition of animation and other advantages are inseparable.

3, JPEG format

JPEG is a common image format, which consists of the Joint Photo Expert Group (Joint Photographic Experts Group) to develop and to name "ISO 10918-1", JPEG is a commonly known simply nothing. JPEG file extension. Jpg or. Jpeg, its compression technology is very advanced, it is redundant with the lossy compression method and color image data, to obtain very high compression ratio can also display a very rich and vibrant images In other words, is the minimum disk space can get better image quality.

JPEG is also a very flexible format, with the image quality adjustment function, allowing you to use a different compression ratio on this file compression, such as the maximum we can 1.37MB of BMP bitmap file compressed to 20.3KB. Of course, we can in the image quality and file size to find a balance between.

As the JPEG quality and excellent outstanding performance, it is also widely used, especially in the Internet and CD-ROM books, the positive can be found in its shadow. Currently all browsers support the JPEG image format such as JPEG format, smaller file size, download speed, makes the Web page may provide a shorter download time, a large number of beautiful images, JPEG while also naturally become the network's most popular image formats.

4, JPEG2000 format

JPEG JPEG 2000 is the same organization responsible for developing, and it has an official name called "ISO 15444", compared with JPEG, it has a higher compression ratio and more new features of the new generation still image compression technology.

JPEG JPEG2000 as an upgraded version of the JPEG compression ratio higher than about 30%. The difference is that with JPEG, JPEG2000 supports both lossy and lossless compression, while JPEG only supports lossy compression. Lossless compression for the conservation of some important image is very useful. JPEG2000's a very important feature is that it can achieve progressive transmission, that with the GIF's "starting to prove" there is meditation, which is to transfer the outline of the image, and then gradually transfer the data to continuously improve image quality, so that images clear from the twilight to show, but not necessarily the same as the current JPEG, shown from top to bottom slowly.

In addition, JPEG2000 also supports the so-called "region of interest" feature, you can specify the image you are interested in any area of the compression quality can also choose to specify some of the first extract. JPEG JPEG 2000 and compared with obvious advantages and backward compatible, so just around the corner to replace the conventional JPEG format.

JPEG JPEG2000 can be used in traditional markets such as scanners, digital cameras, can also be applied to new areas, such as network transmission, wireless communications.

5, TIFF format

TIFF (Tag Image File Format) is a Mac image format widely used, it is jointly developed by the Aldus and Microsoft, was initially scanned images for cross-platform storage needs of design. It is characterized by complex image formats, store information and more. Because it stores the image information is more subtle level, image quality is also improved, Guer very beneficial to the manuscript copy.

The format of compressed and uncompressed two forms, which can be used LZW lossless compression program storage. However, TIFF format structure is more complex, less compatibility, so your software sometimes may not correctly identify the TIFF file (now most of the software have solved this problem.) Present in Mac and PC, transplant TIFF files are very convenient, so TIFF is now the most widely used computer image file formats.

6, PSD format

This is the famous Adobe's Photoshop image processing software dedicated format Photoshop Document (PSD). PSD is Photoshop for graphic design of a "draft plan", it contains the various layers, channels, masks and other design comp for the next time you open a file can modify the design of the previous . Photoshop supported in a variety of image formats, PSD access speeds much faster than other formats, and powerful function. As more and more widely used Photoshop, so we have reason to believe that this format will gradually catch on.

7, PNG format

PNG (Portable Network Graphics) is a new network image format. In the end of 1994, as Unysis announced GIF patented compression method, which requires the development of GIF software required to pay a fee, The resulting free png image format was born. PNG a combination of GIF and JPG beginning two long, intended to replace the two formats in one fell swoop. October 1, 1996 by the PNG to the international network of alliances and received the recommendation approved standard, and most of the mapping software and browsers start supporting PNG image browsing, life glow from PNG image format.

PNG is to ensure the most undistorted form, it draws on the advantages of both GIF and JPG, storage form of wealth, both GIF and JPG color mode; its other features can compress image files to the limit in order to facilitate network transmission, but can retain all information related with the image quality, since PNG is lossless compression to reduce file size, image quality and sacrifice it in exchange for high JPG compression ratio is different; its third characteristic is to show very fast, simply download the 1 / 64 of the image information can show low-resolution preview images; fourth, PNG transparent images also support the production of transparent image when the image in the production of useful pages, we Set the background image can be transparent, with the page itself instead of the color information set transparent color, this will allow the background image and page are in harmony together.

The disadvantage is that PNG does not support animation application effect, if can be strengthened in this regard simply can completely replace the GIF and JPEG up. Macromedia's Fireworks software, the default format is PNG. Now, more and more software began to support this format, but the network also increasingly popular cut-off.


8, SWF format

Using Flash we can create a kind of suffix, called SWF (Shockwave Format) of animation, animated images in this format can be used to represent a relatively small volume of rich multimedia form. In image transmission, without waiting for files to download to view all, but you can look side to download, so particularly suitable for network transmission, especially in the case of poor transfer rate can also get good results. Also proved this point, SWF now has been used in WEB pages for multimedia presentations and interactive design. In addition, SWF animation is making its vector technology, so no matter how many times the picture to enlarge the picture will not be any damage. In summary, SWF format works for its high-definition picture quality and compact size, are more and more web designers, are becoming more and more animation and Web page design mainstream picture, has become the Internet de facto standard for animation.

9, SVG format

SVG can be considered to be the far the most fiery of the image file format, and it's the English full name Scalable Vector Graphics, meaning scalable vector graphics. It is based on XML (Extensible Markup Language), the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) developed by the coalition. Strictly speaking, should be an open standard vector graphics language that allows you to design exciting, high-resolution Web graphics page. Users can use the code to describe the image, you can use any text-processing tools to open SVG image, by changing some code to make images with interactive features, and can be readily inserted into the HTML of your browser to view.

銆??瀹冩彁渚涗簡鐩墠缃戠粶娴佽鏍煎紡GIF鍜孞PEG鏃犳硶鍏峰浜嗕紭鍔匡細鍙互浠绘剰鏀惧ぇ鍥惧舰鏄剧ず锛屼絾缁濅笉浼氫互鐗虹壊鍥惧儚璐ㄩ噺涓轰唬浠凤紱瀛楀湪SVG鍥惧儚涓繚鐣欏彲缂栬緫鍜屽彲鎼滃鐨勭姸鎬侊紱骞冲潎鏉ヨ锛孲VG鏂囦欢姣擩PEG鍜孏IF鏍煎紡鐨勬枃浠惰灏忓緢澶氾紝鍥犺?涓嬭浇涔熷緢蹇?鍙互鐩镐俊锛孲VG鐨勫紑鍙戝皢浼氫负Web鎻愪緵鏂扮殑鍥惧儚鏍囧噯銆?br />


銆??PCX鏍煎紡鏄痁SOFT鍏徃鍦ㄥ紑鍙戝浘鍍忓鐞嗚蒋浠禤aintbrush鏃跺紑鍙戠殑涓?鏍煎紡锛岃繖鏄竴绉嶇粡杩囧帇缂╃殑鏍煎紡锛屽崰鐢ㄧ鐩樼┖闂磋緝灏戙?鐢变簬璇ユ牸寮忓嚭鐜扮殑鏃堕棿杈冮暱锛屽苟涓斿叿鏈夊帇缂╁強鍏ㄥ僵鑹茬殑鑳藉姏锛屾墍浠ョ幇鍦ㄤ粛姣旇緝娴佽銆?br />

銆??DXF锛圓utodesk Drawing Exchange Format锛夋槸AutoCAD涓殑鐭㈤噺鏂囦欢鏍煎紡锛屽畠浠SCII鐮佹柟寮忓瓨鍌ㄦ枃浠讹紝鍦ㄨ〃鐜板浘褰㈢殑澶у皬鏂归潰鍗佸垎绮剧‘銆傝澶氳蒋浠堕兘鏀寔DXF鏍煎紡鐨勮緭鍏ヤ笌杈撳嚭銆?br />

銆??WMF锛圵indows Metafile Format锛夋槸Windows涓父瑙佺殑涓?鍥惧厓鏂囦欢鏍煎紡锛屽睘浜庣煝閲忔枃浠舵牸寮忋?瀹冨叿鏈夋枃浠剁煭灏忋?鍥炬閫犲瀷鍖栫殑鐗圭偣锛屾暣涓浘褰㈠父鐢卞悇涓嫭绔嬬殑缁勬垚閮ㄥ垎鎷兼帴鑰屾垚锛屽叾鍥惧舰寰?線杈冪矖绯欍?


銆??EMF锛圗nhanced Metafile锛夋槸寰蒋鍏徃涓轰簡寮ヨˉ浣跨敤WMF鐨勪笉瓒宠?寮?彂鐨勪竴绉峎indows 32浣嶆墿灞曞浘鍏冩枃浠舵牸寮忥紝涔熷睘浜庣煝閲忔枃浠舵牸寮忥紝鍏剁洰鐨勬槸娆蹭娇鍥惧厓鏂囦欢鏇村姞瀹规槗鎺ュ彈銆?br />
銆??5銆丩IC锛團LI/FLC锛夋牸寮?br />
銆??Flic鏍煎紡鐢盇utodesk鍏徃鐮斿埗鑰屾垚锛孎LIC鏄疐LC鍜孎LI鐨勭粺绉帮細FLI鏄渶鍒濈殑鍩轰簬320脳200鍒嗚鲸鐜囩殑鍔ㄧ敾鏂囦欢鏍煎紡锛岃?FLC鍒欓噰鐢ㄤ簡鏇撮珮鏁堢殑鏁版嵁鍘嬬缉鎶?湳锛屾墍浠ュ叿鏈夋瘮FLI鏇撮珮鐨勫帇缂╂瘮锛屽叾鍒嗚鲸鐜囦篃鏈変簡涓嶅皯鎻愰珮銆?br />

銆??EPS锛圗ncapsulated PostScript锛夋槸PC鏈虹敤鎴疯緝灏戣鐨勪竴绉嶆牸寮忥紝鑰岃嫻鏋淢ac鏈虹殑鐢ㄦ埛鍒欑敤寰楄緝澶氥?瀹冩槸鐢≒ostScript璇█鎻忚堪鐨勪竴绉岮SCII鐮佹枃浠舵牸寮忥紝涓昏鐢ㄤ簬鎺掔増銆佹墦鍗扮瓑杈撳嚭宸ヤ綔銆?br />

銆??TGA锛圱agged Graphics锛夋枃浠舵槸鐢辩編鍥絋ruevision鍏徃涓哄叾绀哄崱寮?彂鐨勪竴绉嶅浘鍍忔枃浠舵牸寮忥紝宸茶鍥介檯涓婄殑鍥惧舰銆佸浘鍍忓伐涓氭墍鎺ュ彈銆俆GA鐨勭粨鏋勬瘮杈冪畝鍗曪紝灞炰簬涓?鍥惧舰銆佸浘鍍忔暟鎹殑閫氱敤鏍煎紡锛屽湪澶氬獟浣撻鍩熸湁鐫?緢澶у奖鍝嶏紝鏄绠楁満鐢熸垚鍥惧儚鍚戠數瑙嗚浆鎹㈢殑涓?棣栭?鏍煎紡銆?br />


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Thursday, October 14, 2010

New accounting standards and tax law differences on how to coordinate

The new accounting standards have been January 1, 2007 became fully implemented in listed companies. Recently in the tax net and other units from China held between the new accounting standards and tax expert seminar, experts discussed from different angles the new accounting standards and tax aspects of various differences and focus around the new accounting standards and tax law causes of the differences that the differences in content and solutions, how to master the new accounting standards, etc were also discussed.

Accounting professor, Sun Jianguo, China's tax chief expert network that will produce accounting standards and tax differences are inevitable problems. First of all, the two are not the same as the objectives to be achieved. Accounting objective is to truly and objectively reflect the financial position, operating results and cash flow, while the main objective of tax laws through fair taxes, fair competition to ensure the realization of revenue. Second, the basic premise of the two different. The four new accounting standards is a prerequisite for accounting entity, going concern, accounting stage and monetary measures. The corporate income tax the taxpayer is different from the accounting entity, but also for income, expenses, assets and liabilities of the recognition, measurement of the time and scope of the differences between temporary and permanent inevitably produce differences. Again, the principles between the two is not the same. In addition to a number of income tax law to follow accounting principles, the main legal principles should adhere to the principle of equity, income and balanced principles, anti-avoidance principle and the principle of administrative efficiency.

"It is precisely because of the existence of differences between accounting and tax law, we will carefully study where different, so we all know how to handle these differences." Fang Beijing National Accounting Institute associate said, "This happens to be our National Accounting Institute and China's tax net services such as consulting, as an important research topic in 2007 is an important cause. "

Central University of Finance and Accounting Institute Professor Yu Yingmin that the promulgation of new accounting standards reflect three major breakthroughs. First, from the domestic system to achieve a breakthrough to international standards. The old accounting standards and accounting systems, generally speaking, the basic system is still based on domestic. But this time, accounting standards issued by the International Accounting Standards adopted consistent with the principles and approach, and has been recognized by the International Accounting Standards Committee. Second, realized from the service manager to service stakeholders breakthrough. The old accounting standards and accounting system is mainly to meet the managers, in particular the needs of the government administration system system. Overall, to meet the higher authorities on the line. But under the new guidelines, they should as far as possible the demands of investors, creditors, managers, regulators and the public need for information from such persons. Third, the new guidelines to achieve a heavier weight long-term development of the current profit breakthroughs. For example, new standards in the recognition, measurement and financial reporting structure, and established the core of the balance sheet in order to limit short-term business. Over the years, the income statement financial statements of the enterprise system has been living in a prominent position, profits as the management of all aspects of corporate performance assessment to measure key indicators of corporate profitability, but it's easy for some companies to leave short-term profit manipulation profit space, and The new accounting standards system highlights the balance sheet of the report system in the central position of the balance required enterprises to enhance the quality of information. Assets less liabilities of enterprises in the balance of the equity increase in circumstances that increase the enterprise value, shareholder wealth and growth, which broke through the traditional concept of pure profit, helped promote the company implementing the scientific development concept, improve asset liability management, optimization of assets and capital structure, improve decision-making level, to avoid focusing only on immediate interests and advance the implementation of income distribution, long-term strategy to fully focus on business and sustainable development.

On the positive role of the new accounting standards, experts agreed that the new accounting standards such as accounting policy choices in research and development costs capitalized into the system, a change in our total cost of R & D requirements, meet the recognized criteria for the expenditure of development activities allow capitalization. This policy will encourage enterprises to increase science and technology and R & D activities Touru, promote technological upgrading and industrial restructuring, Wei 钀藉疄 central authorities of the country through science, encourage their independent innovation of the call, creating a good accounting Zhengce environment, success in the eyes benefit in the long run. Another example, the new accounting standards focus on the protection of economic and social harmonious development of areas in cost accounting, and international technology accordance with a market demand and further improve the cost-compensation system, Gaijin a cost accounting project and Fangfa, firms will Chengdan the disposal of fixed assets obligations of social responsibility accounting system introduced in order to be more scientific, rational, comprehensive cost information to reflect, to ensure that the cost of compensation and workers compensation, to avoid ahead of distribution, the implementation of harmonious development.

New accounting standards and tax law differences between expression? With years of practical experience of Gao Yun Bin revenue from substance over form, prudence, accrual and cash basis of accounting principles and other important new guidelines compared with the differences in tax law content. In his view, both old and new accounting standards and tax laws are differences in the income tax on the more obvious, accounting standards and the income tax system should be more coordination of space.涓浗绋庣綉娑夌◣椋庨櫓鐮旂┒瀹や笓瀹堕檲钀嶇敓璁や负锛岀洰鍓嶇◣鍔¢儴闂ㄥ湪姝ゆ柟闈㈠姩浣滄湁鐐圭◢鎱? He said, because the scope of the implementation of new accounting standards is still limited to listed companies, compared to other companies is the implementation. In other words, you can do can not execute, so the tax sector, there is a policy of transition. In addition, regardless of how changes in the accounting system, tax policy, if unchanged, the taxpayers or tax payments from tax in accordance with accounting principles.

Capital University of Economics Professor Zhang Chunping, Shandong Finance Institute Professor Cai Changfu, the Chinese team of experts Wang Lingdeng tax net policy statement, also in the use of new accounting standards for attention were two tips. First, note that the application of fair value must meet strict preconditions. In accordance with the provisions of the new accounting standards, listed companies should establish and improve related with the fair value of the decision-making system, in strict accordance with the new standards require, carefully selected and appropriate fair value measurement model. To determine the fair value method of valuation assumptions and the main parameters related to the selection of a determined, it should be full disclosure. Meanwhile, for compliance with international practices and China's actual conditions, such as some financial assets and liabilities, exchange and other non-monetary assets, allowing the use of fair value. Made for some media, "the introduction of fair value will significantly increase business risk of profit and loss control, accounting information will lead to chaos" problem, experts think this worry is unnecessary. Because the new guidelines on the use of fair value set many restrictions, so long as the correct grasp, we can accurately and effectively monitor the application.

銆??浜屾槸鍦ㄨ繍鐢ㄤ竴浜涘噯鍒欓」鐩椂锛岃鎶婃彙濂芥斂绛栫晫闄愩? Accounting Standards in the construction of certain significant accounting policies for the appropriate adjustments and improvement of relevant standards of these projects, to grasp the policy limits, the policy is good, with properly. For example, the new guidelines require companies timely provision for asset impairment, impairment loss is recognized, to reflect the true value of the assets, but did not allow the companies make more impairment, but does not allow enterprises to establish a secret preparation, also does not allow pre-identified impairment of long-term assets to be back, but against corporate use of old and new convergence criteria for the occasion, random early reversal of impairment losses, adjusted profit.鍙堝锛屾柊鍑嗗垯鏀瑰彉浜嗙爺鍙戣垂鐢ㄧ殑鍋氭硶锛屽厑璁稿皢閮ㄥ垎寮?彂鏀嚭璧勬湰鍖栦綔涓鸿祫浜х‘璁ゅ垪鎶ャ? This policy will greatly improve the high-tech companies, venture capital enterprises or larger corporate R & D financial position and performance level, encouraging these companies to increase R & D investment. But these expenses must meet stringent recognition criteria, does not allow companies will not meet the requirements of the development expenditure recognized as an intangible asset.瑕佹帉鎻″ソ杩欎簺鍏蜂綋鐨勬斂绛栵紝灏遍渶瑕佷紒涓氳储鍔′汉鍛樺拰鐩稿叧璐d换浜轰弗鏍兼妸鍏筹紝鍒囧疄鎵挎媴璧疯矗浠绘潵銆?br />


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Sunday, October 10, 2010

Video P2P download Storm: Openext

Author: Michelle

As a professional worm, the Internet every day to find their own appropriate resources is a job to do daily, since installing broadband, I have even more reluctant to leave. But always find work for their inefficiency and fat to worry about. To solve this problem, several of our good friends have chosen to exchange each other's resource base to achieve the purpose of enriching their content. The power of a few people always limited, if all the users are sharing their resources so will it not form a large pool. I am sure there is such a tool can help me achieve this, then have another day's work, that is to find suitable peer sharing tools, this work has been carried out to find a name I Openext broadband entertainment platform to share after the stop, because I found it what I want to find the treasure!

First, install the registration

From the Pacific Ocean online to download the latest V4.0 version of the current, double-click the downloaded file to start the installation wizard, has been clicking the "Next" to complete the installation.

Installed in the Start menu and Desktop to create the appropriate shortcut, double-click the shortcut to start the establishment as shown in Figure 1, the registration wizard window, for new registered users two options, one registered general number that is "registered new number ", the other is registered" good number ", the user can choose according to their own needs registration form, then fill in relevant information can easily access OP world, the only letter of their own personal capacity, character (Figure 2).

Figure 1

Figure 2

Tip: If you want to get access to a free membership account, you can log in directly http://user-register.openext.com/op4/tmp/, where registered users will enjoy free access to 168 hours of member services, all resources Free to download (Figure 3).

Figure 3

Second, shared resources

Resource Search

The greatest advantage is the use of OP can get a wealth of resources, log on OP account, on the main interface appears, we can import three different available resources to search (Figure 4).

Figure 4

(1) the top of the main interface, there is a Search toolbar, which we only need to enter keywords to search, then click "GO" button to start the search.

Tip: Click the Search toolbar button in front of the class can choose to search for resources.

(2) Click the top of the main interface, all part of the "Search Center", so that the section is divided into the following music search, video search, software search, Flash search, image search, book search, and we only need to press the corresponding category can then interface that appears and then enter keywords to search in that category was.


(3) If you can not find in the main interface, as shown in the second search for ways to interface, you can click on the right of "Search Center" button.

Resources Download

No matter which way we search for the search to the resource will be in the form of a list is displayed, we only need to right click what you want to download to local resources, in the pop-up menu, select "Download this file" - "Browse", then open the window, select Save.

Figure 5

Tip: We can set the default download location of files, right-click the icon on the taskbar Openext, in the pop-up menu, select "Options Settings", then switch to the "Transfer Settings", click "Download List" after "view "button to set it up. After this setting later download only the pop-up menu, select "download this file" button.

Download Center

When we added after the download task, OP will start to connect each other's computer attempts to download, download if you want to know the situation, you can click the main interface to the right of "Download transfer", this will add to the list of download tasks form is displayed, and also shows the download progress, etc. (Figure 6). Right-click the task of being downloaded can also carry out further operations.

Figure 6

Tip: If you download the way, the other side of the computer shuts down, then we can also log in next time click the bottom "View Resume" to continue to try to connect the user's computer to download.

Resource sharing

If you just want to get other people's resources without sharing their own content, such behavior was immoral. To this end we have to pay for the same time, click the main interface to the right of "shared management" button, so there will be a similar Explorer window (Figure 7), selected to share the file or folder , click the "Make Share" button.

Figure 7

Tip: If you do not want to share files one by one, you can click the Sharing Wizard to search for media resources can be shared out.

Third, special applications

In addition to resource sharing OP have outstanding performance, there are other very useful functions!

Friends exchange

Friends exchange must first add a friend, click the bottom of Figure 8, the "Find" button to search meet your requirements friends, add the end we only need to "my friends" in the double-click the account name to start the exchange of window.

Figure 8

Play Platform

Although OP is a resource sharing tool, but it can serve as a multi-play entertainment platform, click the bottom right corner of the button, this will open the Add Files window, you can be pictures, music, videos and other content added in. For example, I add a video, it becomes a play the main interface window (Figure 9).

Figure 9

Tip: If you want to return this time, search center, you can use the search above resources, a third way to proceed.

Other services

Can be said that OP is a multifunctional broadband entertainment platform, except as described above, OP community also provides us with the exchange, where you can enjoy the site collection, online film features outstanding recent OP also that we provide a friend function, if you want to come a romantic thing, I believe it will be able to help you achieve this.

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