15 years ago, Linux development project has just started, then, people do not know Linux development mode (open, loose, collaborative) how exactly to go far. Today, the development of history has proven that no matter what kind of sarcastic encounter, combat, obstruct, or intimidate, Linux development projects always move forward, and the technical innovation and onward. Why?
The largest open-source Web site in accordance with international (www.Sourceforge.net) statistics, the current total of 140,417 registered open source projects were registered were up to 1,498,326 people. One thing is worth noting that, over the past decade, open source projects and the ratio of enrollment is always close to 1: 10, that is, an open source project has an average of 10 people involved. Statistics show that 90% of the open-source projects tend to quiescent state (to be abandoned, or death); only 10% of the open source project is active; those development activities that we have flourished as a venue for open-source project even less certain. Open source projects are divided into 19 categories, including the Internet (26,950 sub-projects), software development (26,318 posts), the system (21,828 posts), communications (17,473 posts), the game entertainment (16,185 posts), multimedia (14,640 posts), Scientific Computing (13,807 posts), the other major categories of subprojects are 10,000 less, such as: desktop environment only 3,550 sub-projects development projects. This is an overview of current international open source movement.
November 3, 2003, the United States Red Hat (RedHat) Mathew Szulik, president of the then Linux and the open-source project development status, decided to temporarily give up the "Linux Desktop" R & D, fully into the enterprise Linux. Mathew Szulik said: "The consumer market, Windows probably continues to be the right product line", "Linux technologies need to mature." This statement, from that time led Linux Enterprise (ie Red Hat) leaders, simply equivalent to the global open source movement "pouring a pot of cold water." Since then, Red Hat took a comprehensive business-oriented, "order" service development. Worldwide (desktop) Linux development at a low ebb (even low).
April 2004, Africa's first astronaut Mark Shuttleworth in Australia at their own expense to convene a "small volunteer will" think again renaissance "Desktop Linux". The meeting decided that in Debian (a very large Linux community distribution), based on refining a kind of "desktop Linux", but to keep it always purely "free software" (that can "use the free") state. Mark to the development plan from a very famous name: "Ubuntu" ("without the map", the ancient African language, "be kind to others" meaning). Since then, Mark Shuttleworth put into the spirit of Ubuntu to the software industry in the world inside. The results, in October 2004 the first "Ubuntu Linux 4.10" version released, version serial number "4.10" that was released in October 2004 version, then Ubuntu Linux 5.04,5.10,6.06,6.10 have released version, release interval of six months, at present, is preparing the latest version of Ubuntu Linux 7.04 Test and release. Ubuntu Linux 6.06 version is the so-called "long-term support" version, is divided into desktop and server versions, including the desktop version to support a period of 3 years; server version for 5 years; the remaining period of the effective support of both version 1 and a half years. Briefly to say, Ubuntu's goal is rehabilitation, "Desktop Linux".
January 2007, the world "Linux.org" author Michael J. Jordan, editor in chief, said: "not too long in the future, Ubuntu is not only the word" peace "(peace) of the synonym, but also will be" Linux "of the鍚屼箟璇嶏紝灏卞儚褰撳墠绾㈠附灏辨槸Linux鐨勫悓涔夎瘝涓?牱鈥濄?浠栧Ubuntu缁欎簣寰堥珮鐨勮瘎浠峰拰甯屾湜銆傛垜浠闂紝杩欎竴鍒囨槸涓轰粈涔?
銆??Ubuntu涓嶆槸鍥介檯浜掕仈缃戜笂鏃犲鍙綊鐨勨?娴佹氮鐚?锛屼笢娓歌タ鑽★紝鏃犱汉鍛垫姢銆備綅浜庢娲茬殑Canonical鍏徃鏄疷buntu鐨勭涓?敮鎸佽?锛屽畠鍦ㄥ姞鎷垮ぇ钂欑壒鍒╁皵璁剧珛浜哢buntu鐨勫璇鈥淐all Center鈥?鍛煎彨涓績)锛屽悜鍏ㄧ悆鎻愪緵Ubuntu鐨勬敮鎸佹湇鍔°?Ubuntu鍦ㄥ叏鐞冨凡缁忔湁46涓?鍚堜綔浼欎即鈥濓紝鎻愪緵Ubuntu鐨勬湰鍦板寲鏈嶅姟銆?br />
銆??鍏ㄤ笘鐣孶buntu蹇楁効鑰呮湁涓?釜鍏卞悓鐞嗗康锛歎buntu鏄尞缁欏叏浜虹被鐨勭ぜ鐗┿?鍦ㄥ寳缇庣數鑴戝競鍦轰笂锛?System76 鍜?ZaReason 涓ゅ鍏徃閮芥槸浠?Ubuntu 涓轰腑蹇冪殑鐢佃剳鍒堕?鍟嗭紝閿?敭鎯呭喌涓?洿涓嶉敊銆傝繎鏃ワ紝 System76 鎬昏 Carl Richell 瀵瑰獟浣撹〃绀猴紝鍏徃 Ubuntu 鐢佃剳( NetBooks 绫诲瀷)鐨勮鍗曚笉鏂互鑷翠緵璐т笉瓒宠?鎰熷埌鐑︽伡銆?br />
銆??鐩墠锛屾柊鐗堟湰 Ubuntu 9.10 (鍗?10 鏈?29 鏃ョ殑鑰冩媺鍙戣鐗?灏嗛噰鐢ㄥ叏鏂?GRUB 2 浣滀负绯荤粺鐨勫惎鍔ㄥ姞杞藉櫒锛屾涓剧壒鍒湁鍔╀簬鑷惎鍔?U 鐩樼殑鍒朵綔鍜屼娇鐢ㄣ?鎴戜滑搴旇鎳傚緱涓?釜浜嬪疄锛?Ubuntu 鎬绘槸鍦ㄤ笉鏂揩閫熷彂灞曚腑銆?Ubuntu 鐨勬瘡涓?釜鏂扮増鏈殑鍙戝竷閮戒細缁欏箍澶х敤鎴峰甫鏉ユ柊鐨勪綋楠屻?
銆??浜嬪疄涓婏紝 Ubuntu 鐨勬瘡涓?釜鐗堟湰鎴戦兘浣跨敤杩囷紝浜茶嚜浣撻獙杩囥?瀵规柊鐗堟湰鐨勬湡寰咃紝瀵硅?鐗堟湰鐨勭暀鎭嬶紝杩欎袱绉嶆儏鎰熷線寰?氦缁囧湪鎴戠殑蹇冮棿銆傛湁鏃讹紝鎴戞劅鍒?Ubuntu 鐨勫崌绾уお蹇簡锛屼篃鎰熷埌寰堟棤濂堛?浣嗘槸锛屼笉鍙戝睍锛岃皥浣曞垱鏂?鎴戜滑瑕侀?搴?Ubuntu 鐨勫揩閫熻妭鎷嶏紝瑕佺揣璺熷畠鐨勫彂灞曟浼愩?瀹為檯涓婏紝姝f槸 Ubuntu 鐨勫彂灞曟満鍒朵娇寰楀畠鍋滀笉涓嬫潵銆?Canonical 涓嶆兂璧氶挶鍚?褰撶劧涓嶆槸銆備絾鏄紝 Canonical 鐨勭粡钀ユ柟寮忎笉鍚屼簬浼犵粺妯″紡銆傚湪 Canonical 鐪嬫潵锛屽彧鏈夋妸 Ubuntu 浜у搧鍋氬緱鍗佸垎绮剧編锛屽崄鍒嗗畬鍠勶紝鎵嶈兘淇濊瘉 Ubuntu 鏈嶅姟鐢熸?閾剧殑鑹?鍙戝睍銆傝繖绉嶅彂灞曟ā寮忓繀灏嗘敼鍙樻暣涓笘鐣岃蒋浠朵笟銆?br />
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